Tuesday, July 25, 2006


BOOK REVIEW : I, Robot..and some grumbling...

I, Robot : Isaac Asimov

This must be one of the most reviewed books around, so here's one more to add to the already large tally ! It's really good. I thought first that it would be a standard novel, but this is more like a collection of short stories, with each story dealing with clever interpretations of the 3 fundamental laws of Robotics. Really good read. Now I can't wait to lay my hands upon the next in the Robot series, Caves of Steel. However, there's a catch- these Asimov books are expensive !

I Robot in my bookshelf is a result of grandad's generosity and sympathy towards his little grandson who was dealt a debilitating blow by the horrible sickness called jaundice. So in case you, too, feel pity welling up in your heart, cfontribute lavishly to the 'brighten the life of a sick man' fund by buying me 'Caves of Steel'. If you don't feel moved enough by my plight, then do read the post 'yellow blues' which is a detailed analysis of the sickness that is plauging me presently.


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