Monday, July 03, 2006


Mosquito jokes

Disclaimer : The lines that follow may be more annoying than a mosquito that sets up camp for a whole day in the air in the vicinity of your ear....

  1. What's a heavy mosquito called ??


2. What's massquito called when it lands on moon ? (hint : gravity of sixth gravity of earth..)

Massquito moron...mass is constant...

3. Wat's a mosquito who wins a beauty paegant in Ecuador called ??

Miss Quito

4. In a story, three mosquitos set off on a n adventure. What's the book titled ??

The Three Mosquiteers

5. What's a mosquito which lands up in Mr. P.K Bose's drink called ??


...THE END (thankfully, you might wish to add)...

What do you get when you spray a lot of perfume on tip of your foot?

Musky-toes! :D
What has 6 legs, bits and talks in code?
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