Monday, February 11, 2008


Idol Worship and Idol Sculpting

I will begin with an amusing digression

q- What do you say when a party, which caters to the communist, religious hardliner and the liberal voters, gets whipped in the elections ?

Answer at the end of the post. However, if you directly scroll down to the answer, without attending to the main will lead an unhappy afterlife. And right now you will develop respiratory problems. Yeah..NOW...when you reach this full stop.

Getting to the point, I am faced with a task- I have to choose an idol for myself. You see, at the IIM- interview (yipee!) , a favorite question of theirs is - 'Who is your idol ? ' Now this question is befuddling indeed. For there has never been this one person who can stake the claim to being my idol. Coming to think of it, the people who have come closest to being my idols are all fictitious. Starting from Ace Mc Cloud of 'Centurions' fame, moving on to the happy-go-lucky and smart-ass kid Joe Hardy, then the brilliant and egocentric Hercule Poirot, interspersed with periods of idolatry towards Arnold Schwaznegger and James Bond....he-who-must-be-named..who shall it be ?

Two likely candidates are Salman Rushdie and Lance Armstrong. But I also face the onerous task of justifying for my idol worship. Salman Rushdie- plenty of reasons other than his literary genius- his numerous liaisons including the likes of Kylie and Dani Minogue, Padma Riya Sen. That's five reasons (including literary genius). Lance Armstrong, too, obvious reasons- anyone who has read 'It's not about the Bike' would never say 'Why?'

Also, one more idol is being sculpted - Lee Iacocca- Ford and Chrysler's trend setting iconoclast boss. I'm reading his autobiography (pun intended, it really is an AUTObiography). Hopefully, it will go off well and will turn out to be the best among the rest- one idol I can proudly unveil to the world.

However, it seems to be an arduous journey- choosing the person who shall be my guiding angel, the luminary whose luminescent figure will be a beacon during dark's hoping for a successful quest !

a- They got thrashed left, right and center.


Terrible joke. Yes, the idol thing may be a problem in the interview, I had some trouble with it :( Still, if you truly want to follow my footsteps...

PS: Increase the font size of your 'Links' section
clever :P
a nice post.. dude! .. but I'm certain my after life does not necessarily depend on your blog... (or does it?) :P
you can try 'my idol is my daddy/mummy' trick. sure to get you an 'oh please' look from the interviewers.
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