Tuesday, July 15, 2014


SKU growth and GDP growth

As I study CRM, I realize how we've shifted from mass market to customized over the years. There was one black Model T, and now we have a gazillion options. Would be interesting to see a time series chart of different SKUs available, the world over.

Further, this is another "soft" measure which ought to go into GDP. Is a country producing for its people a million black Model Ts or is it producing a million customized cars of all form factors and colors - pandering to a million diverse desires? 

Why? Mass production is good in its own way no? And all of them contribute equally to income/ expenditure/ production which is all GDP intends to measure...
True. Realize this measure can't go into GDP, but there should be another metric which measures the number of SKUs, which would factor in the happiness obtained by the customer in obtaining say a turquoise Model T rather than a black Model T.

I say, measure this and incorporate into a composite index which also includes GDP among other things (things which you economists deem correct).

Not worded cleanly in the post. Need a comment or two to wake me up.
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