Sunday, June 07, 2015


2 Mumbai runways and 1 Flawed movie: Weekend wrap

2 Mumbai Runways by the sea
1. Bandra: Take off on Runway 1 at Taj Land's end, run along Bandstand, and then continue to the Carter Road causeway. You unfortunately have to brave the poor running connection from Bandstand. Once on the Carter road causeway, go up and back down. Pause for a moment at the giant bat autographed by Sachin Tendulkar and recall your favorite Sachin Tendulkar memory (mine's The One with Tony Greig). Finish with three rounds of Jogger's Park, which has been done up beautifully and offers a splendid view of the Sea Link. This run would give you a healthy 5 km. Before-After ideas: Food at Carter road.

2. Juhu Beach. Run along the length and stay close to the water where the sand is firm. The waves keep coming at you and it's fun to quickly dart away when they threaten to invade your path. Beware passerbys when doing the wave-dart. Oomph factor for this path: if it is raining, leave your phone at home and enjoy running uninhibitedly in the rain. And absolutely do not carry a book like I did today because it will get wet and become annoyingly wavy after drying. Before-After ideas: Movie at PVR Juhu (definitely a before because they do not want their theatre seats to nicely soak up all your sweat); a Cooler at Novotel by the beach.

I notched up an impressive 10.5 km over the weekend, spread over the two runways. Finally, putting my new Nike Free's to good use. Quite like them.

Tanu Weds Manu - the rise and the spectacular fall (some spoilers)
The first half started like a stereotypical Bollywood wedding movie, and rested on some hare-brained pieces of logic, such as Madhavan going to the madhouse, which annoyed me and my fellow watcher Ankit. However, halfway into the first half, when we realize that Madhavan is truly serious about this athlete version of Kangana, my interest is piqued. Voila, here's the first mainstream Bollywood movie dealing in a mature way with; 1. Failed relationships; 2. Divorce, 3. Remarrying. The twist before the interval is delicious. And halfway into the second half, with that speech by runner Kangana lambasting spoilt Kangana, and Madhavan telling spoilt Kangana- you ain't in ma head no more, I was satisfied at having watched a movie well made. Oh but wait, it's not over yet. Kangana the Spoilt and Kangana the Runner do unto the movie what they do unto themselves: 1) Spoil the movie, 2) Run it longer than necessary. The ending 1/4th leaves a horrible taste in the mouth, because from being a responsible and forward looking movie, it descends to being quite immature. Till 75%, I thought it was a good emotional roller coaster I had gotten onto, and was happy to get off the seat, but the turns after that were thoroughly unwelcome and made me throw up.

And thus TWM ended, and now MTW begins. Hello there, Monday!

Several things. It's a marriage, three years of it. Watching the spoilt kangana dress up like Maddy's current girlfriend to beg for his attention is revealing to the. The once-spoilt Kangana, who Madhavan played a sacrificial lamb to, in the first movie is now here, struggling to be someone else, to win him back.The tough exterior that she puts up initially, when he threatens divorce, wears away when she sees that he could have moved on-forcing her to resort to the begging. How I see it is, Tanu played it well, knowing that if she stayed at the wedding long enough, he probabaly wouldn't be able to go through with it. The sportsgirl was everything that Tanu was not, allowing Manu to fall in love with her easily. But plunging headfirst into another marriage barely within a year of having ended one's first marriage is very, very difficult to do.
Oh and another thing, the movie is clearly not going for some big time logic. The madhouse part was lame, sure. But the movie was anyway going for some over the top bollywood comedy with that scene anyway. Going to a real counsellor might have robbed the scene of its attempt at comedy. It's lame, yeah, but that's what the movie was going for.
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