Saturday, October 22, 2022


5 fold benefits of a multi day trek in the mountains

 It's 5 fold, but it's called 'Decka'. 

It's the answer to give to plainspeople, when they ask - 'Trek pe kya "dekha"'? Decka dekha. 

1. Discipline (Wake up at 5 30, however cold it is. Clean the utensils) 

2. Endurance : (Physical & Mental endurance , for example at Devsu Thatch of the Har Ki dun trek. To go beyond the path (eg: monkeying around boulders during breaks)) 

3. Community (Connect with fellow journeymen to make the ride enjoyable. Strike the right balance between solitude and socializing)

4. Kindness (Simple stuff like pour out the water for others, and encouraging others on the trail)

5. Appreciation of beauty (Take time to stop and stare for example at the swirling waters on the river or the moonshine glowing on the snow capped peak)

Written in the aftermath of the wondrous Har Ki Dun trek: Gushing river, tricking streams, crystal clear waters, multicolored vegetation, lofty peaks, persistent rain, tough endurance, freezing cold, beautiful people.  

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